I) Here is an example web form for creating text templates and related tags: https://datahelp.wufoo.com/forms/zs6u86j1wutms6/

Note: When creating text templates you can use merge fields by including this exact text in the template: 

  • contact_first_name

  • agent_first_name

  • agent_phone_number

  • home_street_address

II) Here is an example report that gets populated by the webform. The entry in the below screenshot was created when the web form in the above screenshot was submitted. The info in the red box is what makes up the tag that gets generated in Follow Up Boss: https://datahelp.wufoo.com/reports/text-templates-example-report

III) Here is the tag that was created when the above web form was submitted. The tag always contains 4 words:

  1. ‘DH_TextApp’

  2. The Team ID

  3. The Tag Name

  4. The Team Password

IV) When a text is sent, a note with the text content will be added to the lead record. Here is an example of the text that was sent when the above tag was applied:

V) When a contact responds to a text, their response will be added to the lead record as a note, and a text will be sent to the phone number associated with the assigned agent for that contact. Here is an example of the note that gets applied when a contact replies to a text:

VI) You can send texts from your SMSIntegration phone number by creating a note in the contact record that starts with: 'sendText: '

Everything that comes after 'sendText: ' gets sent out as a text. Here is an example of a note that would send a text out.

VII) Here is an example of the note that would be applied to show the text that was sent when the above note was created:

Additional Info:

  • Texts will be sent to the top 'mobile' labeled number that isn't marked as invalid. If there isn't a 'mobile' number, a text will be sent to the top number.

  • If a tag is applied between 9 PM and 9 AM local time, the text will be delayed until 9:47 AM PST.

  • If a contact calls the Twilio number the call will be forwarded to the Follow Up Boss Company phone number, which will route the call the assigned agent for that contact.